Child Custody During the Pandemic



Our children are precious! We are all in a state of emergency. 你现在为你的孩子做的事情是必要的. 动议修改你现有的儿童监护令可能是一个极好的战略举措, 特别是如果你觉得另一方让你的孩子有感染COVID-19的风险. 你独特案件的事实将决定法院是否会认为你的孩子在另一方父母的家中实际上有感染COVID-19的风险. 例如,患有严重哮喘的儿童比没有已知健康问题的儿童有更大的风险. 在这次大流行之前,你遵守法院命令的历史也会影响法官对你的案件的看法. Interstate travel, known exposure, 父母所做的工作类型(卫生保健工作者), 例如)可能会对你的案件的复杂事实起作用.

Can I violate a court order? Can I withhold visitation? Do I need to modify custody? 所有这些问题都可以通过与皇冠足彩app的律师进行虚拟咨询来解决. 拨打336-272-9122,并按照提示进行“初始咨询”,进行虚拟预约.

法院已经关闭,所以不会有一个快速的解决方案. 但是,现在采取行动会让你的案子对你最有利.



Answer在我们看到的每一个命令中都有一个例外,即法院命令的探视交换不受“就地避难”命令的约束. Therefore, 你应该在订单要求的时间和地点继续交换孩子.


在疫情结束前,我能否获得孩子的紧急监护权? The other parent is acting irresponsibly, continuing to have playdates, and traveling to his friend’s house.

Answer:根据北卡罗来纳州的法律,紧急监护有非常具体的要求. There are three situations for emergency custody: (1) substantial risk of sexual abuse; (2) substantial risk of bodily injury to a child; or (3) risk that the child might be abducted or removed from the jurisdiction of North Carolina. 在4月17日之前,法院对大多数案件都是关闭的,但紧急拘留是例外.



Answer: Yes, please use some form of video chat, such as Zoom or Facetime, for your children to play with friends. 最好的做法是让你的孩子呆在家里和后院. Exercise common sense.


My child custody case is in court. Can I complete the mediation process?

Answer: Each county has a different answer. See for more information.


1.       You should complete the Online Orientation. 与儿童监护调解管理局联系,电话:336-412-7815或 for more information. 如果你和另一位家长都完成了在线课程, 当大流行预防措施解除时,您将避免不必要的延误. 请注意,不允许其他课程作为替代课程.

2.       Required Parent Education Class. 在线课程是Two Families Now,你可以在

3.       调解:支持电话会议/视频会议, 有关预约可致电羁留调解办事处(电话:336-412-7815).

伦道夫县有一个监护调解培训的在线选择. The process takes approximately 45 minutes. Go to /程序/ child-custody-and-visitation-mediation-program.

